Hangar Explorations: The RAW Area in Halle/Saale l 2021

The former Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk (RAW: National Railway Repair Works) in Halle is a huge former industrial site of 10 ha, directly beneath the city centre and the railway station—a brownfield since 30 years and isolated through the rail- ways infrastructure. The current dynamics of Halle as cultural, creative, scientific, and industrial centre open up a new backdrop to look at and explore this area and the fascinating former industrial buildings as space of possibilities—as a HANGAR to experiment and construct urban future. Halle’s position in the metropolitan net- work of central Germany and near to Berlin add a possible wider significance and interaction for the RAW area as innovative urban hub. This book shows the results of a design research approach to explore potentials of the site and the existing built structures and to envision its future attractive role and shape. Built on research through modelling and referencing, with a creative use of current theoretical debates, a series of spatial and programmatic concepts targets an urban vision of RAW, as place to live, work, research: a new pole for in- novative and creative activities, incrementatal and activating, setting arts, culture, and living at the core of a new productive space in the city. Starting from ideas for temporary adaption and a first activation, accelerating forms of digital production and cultural industries linked with innovative housing models, and featuring an art hall for cultural events and exchange, fairs and conferences, HANGAR aims at a multiple and urban performativity for the RAW site.