Territorial Design and Urban Planning
Prof. Jörg Schröder

Circular Design I European Innovation Alliance
Design is at the forefront to achieve climate-neutral cities in Europe, a green and resilient transition of cities as living places and as main stages for change is on the agenda. Circular economy offers pathways to innovate creative design sectors that are active in this transition and are crucial for the cultural change and social inclusion needed. In a multidisciplinary approach the Innovation Alliance Circular Design (CiD) addresses the gap in skills and knowledge, in the sectors of architecture, urban design, product/service design, offering a radically new model on how to link design to circularity and urban transformation. CiD rethinks design for a circular economy, orients multidisciplinary collaboration towards carbon-neutral cities, and advances on bio-based innovation for building by using bio-materials from other sectors, creating circular bioregions, and installing buildings as bio-machines. The Alliance develops innovation in Circular Design education by fostering entrepreneurship in academia, with an accelerator and continuing education programmes to upskill in emerging labour market profiles and enabling the creation of green start ups.

reCITYing I Creative Europe Programme
Reactivating urban spaces through architecture and arts: ReCITYing as project in the Creative Europe Programme promotes the regeneration urban spaces and buildings through leveraging the creative potentials of architecture, arts, and urban design. It aims at new cultural expression and impulses for urban spaces to foster social inclusion, accessibility and contributing to the spread of a culture of sustainability. Aimed at young creatives and professionals from architecture, design and arts, policy makers and local social enterprises, ReCITYing creates a networking platform and exchange on reuse practices in a European perspective. Territorial Design and Urban Planning of Leibniz University Hannover cooperates in this project with the University of Genova, Department of Architecture and Design, and with IAAC Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, as well as with UGM Umetnostna Galerija Maribor and the Association Champ Libre in Montpellier.

Transformers | University Dialogue
TRANSFORMERS is about the role and agency of cities to reach climate neutrality, combining this change with social and economic progress. The project focuses on the interrelation and dynamics between urban fabric and society, and establishes a joint search for new transformative knowledge, for cities as laboratories of openness, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Funded by DAAD as University Dialogue, TRANSFORMERS builds on recent research in Italy and Germany and cooperates with three cities as case studies and stages for new formats of open science in communication and involvement.
TRANSFORMERS as research cooperation aims at new models for the role and agency of cities and is putting the expertise of urban designers, urban planners, and architects under examination: which attitudes, abilities, and approaches do TRANSFORMERS need to initiate, steer, and realise urban transition towards resilience and sustainability? How can urban design, urban planning, and architecture contribute to green economy and digitalisation, and to a cultural change how to understand cities, to project and organise their transition?