Circular Design l 2023
Towards Regenerative Territories
Jörg Schröder, Riccarda Cappeller, Alissa Diesch, Federica Scaffidi
Design by Anna Pape
Published by Jovis.
Cosmopolitan Habitat l 2021
A Research Agenda for Urban Resilience
Herausgegeben von Jörg Schröder, Maurizio Carta, Federica Scaffidi, Analisa Contato
Funded by DAAD
Published by Jovis.

Territories: Rural-urban Strategies I 2016
Buchveröffentlichung im Rahmen des Hochschuldialogprojekts des DAAD.
Herausgegeben von Jörg Schröder, Maurizio Carta, Maddalena Ferretti und Barbara Lino.
Ländlich-urbane Strategien.
Veröffentlicht von Jovis.
The Woods
Connecting innovation in wood industries and cities
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Federica Scaffidi
ISBN 978-3-946296-46-1
Stadtbausteine / Urban Elements
Edited by Jörg Schröder
ISBN 978-3-946296-47-8
Creative Cities
Bogotá // Hannover. Creative cities in exchange.
Edited by Jörg Alissa Diesch and Alma Sarmiento
ISBN 978-3-946296-48-5
Ressource Architektur Magazin
Messestand für die Real Estate Arena 2022, Messe Hannover
Herausgegeben von Jörg Schröder und Rebekka Wandt
ISBN 978-3-946296-44-7
Westside Story
Scenarios for 10 villages in the west of Hannover
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Alissa Diesch
ISBN 978-3-946296-43-0
Baltic Lab
Cities and Territories in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Riccarda Cappeller
ISBN 978-3-946296-42-3
Seaside: A Creative Platform for Coast Territories
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Alissa Diesch
ISBN 978-3-946296-41-6
New Bauhaus City: Places outside of Metropolis
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Riccarda Cappeller
With contributions by Federica Scaffidi
ISBN 978-3-946296-39-3
Mountains: New Habitat Explorations l 2021
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Alissa Diesch
With contributions from Federica Scaffidi
ISBN 978-3-946296-34-8
Lakeshore: Cosmopolitan Habitat l 2021
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Riccarda Cappeller
With contributions from Alissa Diesch
ISBN 978-3-946296-36-2
Hangar Explorations: The RAW Area in Halle/Saale l 2021
Cosmopolitan Habitat - Urban Narratives I 2020
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Riccarda Cappeller
With contributions from Alissa Diesch
ISBN 978-3-946296-37-9
Creative Food Cycles Book 2 - Activities
Edited by Jörg Schröder, Emanuele Sommariva, and Sabrina Sposito. Funded by the Creative Europe Programme of European Union.
Creative Food Cycles Book 1
Edited by Jörg Schröder, Emanuele Sommariva, and Sabrina Sposito. Funded by the Creative Europe Programme of European Union.

Climate Commons I 2020
New settlement models
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Alissa Diesch
With contributions by Riccarda Cappeller and Emanuele Sommariva
ISBN 9783946296327

Open City Palermo I 2020
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Federica Scafffidi
With a contribution by Riccarda Cappeller
ISBN 9783946296324

Fringes I 2019
Design for Creative Networks in Wendland
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Federica Scaffidi
ISBN 9783946296300

Youngtown I 2019
Co-Living, Co-Learning, Co-Working for the Campus Garbsen
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Alissa Diesch
ISBN 9783946296294
Dynamics of Periphery – Videoworks and Collages I 2018
Session at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Riccarda Cappeller
With contributions by Maddalena Ferretti, Gianluigi Mondaini, Paolo Bonvini, Emanuele Sommariva and Martina Massari.
In cooperation with the Polytechnic University Ancona
City Makers I 2019
Bologna and Emilia Linear City
Edited by Jörg Schröder, Alissa Diesch, Martina Massari, Riccarda Cappeller
With contributions from Valentian Orioli and Valentina Gianfrate
In collaboration with the University of Bologna
Matera Soundscapes I 2019
Design Research Workshop
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Riccarda Cappeller
With contributions from Chiara Rizzi and Silvana Kuhtz
A project with the Onyx Jazz Club Matera and the University of Basilicata Co-financed by Matera Basilicata European Capital of Culture 2019

Urban Connectors I 2018
Stadtbausteine Peine
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Riccarda Cappeller
In cooperation with the City of Peine
ISBN 9783946296249

Regiobranding: Bauen und Siedlungsentwicklung I 2018
Schwerpunkt Bauen und Siedlungsentwicklung im Forschungsprojekt Regiobranding
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti
In the framework of the research project Regiobranding, funded by BMBF
ISBN 9783946296218

Lago di Garda I 2018
Urban Scenarios between Water and Mountains
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Sarah Hartmann
With contributions by Maddalena Ferretti and Emanuele Sommariva
ISBN 9783946296225

Doctoral Research Projects I 2017
at the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Emanuele Sommariva
ISBN 9783946296201
Building Culture and the Region I 2017
Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen, Band 1/2017
Scientific magazine special issue
Edited by Rainer Danielzyk and Jörg Schröder
2017. Published by Wachhholtz Verlag

Baltic Coast I 2017
A new architecture for the Baltic Coast, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti
With contributions by Sarah Hartmann and Emanuele Sommariva
ISBN 9783946296188

Coast Portraits I 2018
Research and Strategies in Territorial Architecture
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Emanuele Sommariva
ISBN 9783946296195

RegioDesign I 2017
Mapping and Visioning on the Metropolitan Region Hannover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Emanuele Sommariva
With a contribution by Maurizio Carta
In cooperation with the Metropolitan Region Hannover Braunschweig Göttingen Wolfsburg
ISBN 9783946296140

Open Sky I 2017
Creative City Trento Southern Alps
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti
With contributions by Sarah Hartmann, Emanuele Sommariva, Sara Favargiotti
ISBN 9783946296126

Dynamics of Periphery Reader I 2017
International Conference and Research Colloquium
Edited by Jörg Schröder, Maurizio Carta, Maddalena Ferretti, Barbara Lino
With contributions by Sarah Hartmann, Mosè Ricci, Manuel Gausa Navarro, Raffaella Fagnoni, Luciana Macaluso
In cooperation with the University of Palermo
ISBN 9783946296171

Foodscapes I 2017
Architectures of food for the metropolis of Hamburg
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Sarah Hartmann
With a contribution by Maddalena Ferretti
In the framework of the exhibition FOOD REVOLUTION 5.0 of the Museum of Arts and Crafts Hamburg
ISBN 9783946296133

UltraAgro. Roma 20–25 I 2017
Contribution to the international workshop “ROMA 20-25. New life cycles for the metropolis"
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti
With Contributions by Sarah Hartmann and Emanuele Sommariva
In cooperation with MAXXI Museum Rome and with the City of Rome
ISBN 9783946296096

Recycle Italy Atlante I 2017
Edited by Lorenzo Fabian and Stefano Munarin
2017. Published by letteraventidue
With a contribution by Jörg Schröder, Maddalena Ferretti, Sarah Hartmann, Emanuele Sommariva
Recycle Italy Atlante

Favara Futures I 2017
Research Workshop "Dynamics of Periphery"
Edited by Jörg Schröder, Maurizio Carta, Sarah Hartmann, Barbara Lino
With contributions by Federica Scaffidi, Maddalena Ferretti, Emanuele Sommariva, Annalisa Contato, Luca Torrisi, Jessica Smeralda Oliva, Mosè Ricci, Luciana Macaluso
ISBN 9783946296157

Housing Diversity I 2017
Reference Catalogue
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti
ISBN 9783946296164

Venice Lagoon I 2017
Urban Design for a Productive Archipelago
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti
With a contribution by Sarah Hartmann
ISBN 9783946296102

Lost Islands I 2017
International Urban Design Workshop
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti
With contributions by Sarah Hartmann and Laura Ciprianii
ISBN 9783946296119

Low Rise High Density I 2016
Reference Catalogue
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Sarah Hartmann
ISBN 9783946296065

Land // Theater I 2016
Performance and Space of the Round Villages in Wendland
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Sarah Hartmann
ISBN 9783946296072

See // Stadt I 2016
A water city on the Lake of Constance
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Sarah Hartmann
ISBN 9783946296089

See // Wohnen I 2016
Low Rise High Density
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Sarah Hartmann
ISBN 9783946296058

Alpine Building Culture AlpBC I 2015
Final Publication of the European Project
Edited by Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung, Leibniz Universität Hannover, and COA Energia Service Finaosta S.p.a, Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern, with the consortium of AlpBC
With a contribution by Jörg Schröder and Sarah Hartmann
ISBN 9783946296027
Digitally available at:
Alpine Building Culture AlpBC

Towards a Pro-active Manifesto I 2016
Recycle Italy Series Nr. 16
Edited by Mosè Ricci and Jörg Schröder
Published by Aracne Editrice
Towards a Pro-active Manifesto

Stadtleben Leifers / Città vissuta Laives I 2013
Laboratorio di Urbanistica
Edited by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti
With a contribution by Sarah Hartmann
In cooperation with the City of Leifers/Laives
ISBN 9783946296010

Productive Grounds – Transalpine Trajectories I 2015
Recycle Italy Series Nr. 11
Edited by Mosè Ricci and Jörg Schröder
Published by Aracne Editrice
Productive Grounds – Transalpine Trajectories