Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung

City and territory are in continuous transformation, evolving new spatial phenomena and relationship. Architecture and urban and town planning in metropolitan regions, peripheral and rural areas areas are faced with the challenge of not only responding to new challenges in climate change, demography, economic and social advancement: they are overall called to develop cultural resources. Our aim is to reshape the role and methods of architecture and planning for a vision of territorial innovation, with a new awareness for places and built space as active and strategic carriers of the future of city and territory. In research and teaching, we promote a focus on “Architecture of Territories” in a transversal and cross-scalar sense, from house to valley, from village to town, in order to discover and enhance sustainable interactions between space and society. “Architecture of territories” refers to a notion of Gestaltung, as designerly and processual shaping of space over time, bound to the discussion of meanings and values.
“Territory has great qualities of its own, since it is the starting point and primary matrix of all that it encompasses. There is nothing that does not originate from the territory; therefore, each part of the territory refers to its other parts, and with the interaction of the whole, it creates immediate and deep references; these references are constantly to be discovered, each time when designing and projecting in one aspect of the territory.”
Giancarlo de Carlo
“The Human cannot be grasped and saved unless the other half of itself is rebound: the share of things.” Bruno Latour

Circular Design
Design is at the forefront to achieve climate-neutral cities in Europe, a green and resilient transition of cities as living places and as main stages for change is on the agenda. Circular economy offers pathways to innovate creative design sectors that are active in this transition and are crucial for the cultural change and social inclusion needed.
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Reactivating urban spaces through architecture and arts: ReCITYing as project in the Creative Europe Programme promotes the regeneration urban spaces and buildings through leveraging the creative potentials of architecture, arts, and urban design.

Transformers | University Dialogue
TRANSFORMERS is about the role and agency of cities to reach climate neutrality, combining this change with social and economic progress. The project focuses on the interrelation and dynamics between urban fabric and society, and establishes a joint search for new transformative knowledge, for cities as laboratories of openness, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Recent concluded doctoral projects
an overview of doctoral and postdoctoral projects
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Dynamics of Periphery
How can dynamic factors and phenomena outside metropolitan centres be identified in innovative practices and projects? From a design perspective, Dynamics of Periphery presents future creative and resilient living spaces. The aim is to develop concepts for metropolitan, urban and rural networks.
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Creative Food Cycles
Creative Food Cycles (CFC) is a project of the Chair of Territorial Design and Urban Planning (Prof. Jörg Schröder) of the Leibniz University of Hannover, in partnership with the IAAC Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and with the Department of Architecture and Design of the University of Genoa. Creative Food Cycles is co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
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Creative Heritage
an international research platform for regenerative cities, resilience and territorial innovation.
The CREATIVE HERITAGE research initiative was launched with the CREATIVE HERITAGE symposium, which is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, and will take place from 11 to 13 October 2017 in Schloss Herrenhausen, Hanover.
The project Regiobranding will be funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as an innovation group project from 2014-19. Lead partner is the Institute for Environmental Planning of the Leibniz University of Hannover. The Department of Territorial Design and Urban Planning (Prof. Jörg Schröder) at the Institute of Design and Urban Planning at Leibniz Universität Hannover is the project partner with the scientific focus on construction and urban development within the project.
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Scenarios and Patterns for RegioBranding
Book by Jörg Schröder and Maddalena Ferretti, Jovis, Berlin 2018
Scenario drawing and pattern are seen as emerging innovative tools for spatial characterization and visioning. The design research presented in this book contributes to the regiobranding project.
Re-Cycle Italy
RE-CYCLE ITALY deals with new life cycles for architecture, city, infrastructure and landscape and develops a common scientific methodology for urban development strategies, concepts and processes in different spatial situations, from large cities to peripheral rural areas.
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DThe AlpBC Alpine Building Culture project will be funded by the European Union's Alpine Space Programme in 2012-15. The AlpBC project develops strategies and initiatives to promote Alpine building culture in the context of territorial development and ecological sustainability.
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The RURBANCE project aims at rural-urban governance strategies for sustainable development of changing Alpine territories. Sectoral policies and their separate implementation paths hinder the re-establishment of relationships between urban and rural areas, which are demanded as a response to current challenges and transformation processes in Alpine and rural areas.
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