Doctoral and postdoctoral projects

Regionales Bauen und Siedlungsplanung

Postdoctoral research projects

Dr. Sabrina Sposito
Hydro-Based Metamorphoses in a Polycentric Region. A Multi-Scale Spatial Model for the Ruhrgebiet.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
DAAD research grant for postdoc scientists (one year), supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Dr. Luciana Macaluso
Agro-urban Settlements and Metropolitan Identity.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
DAAD research grant for postdoc scientists (6 months), supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Dr. Sara Favargiotti
Infrastructures Second Life. The Challenges of Infrastructure Recycle.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
DAAD research grant for postdoc scientists (6 months), supervisor: Jörg Schröder

Concluded doctoral dissertations

Dr.-Ing. Sarah Hartmann
Monuments of Everyday Life. Interplays of City, Infrastructure, and Architecture in São Paulo.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Dr.-Ing. Yara Cristina Labronici Baiardi
Node of Transport and Place. Dilemmas, Challenges and Potentialities towards the Developmentof a Mobility Urban Hub.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Scholarship by CNPQ - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Brazil
Grant by Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie MP/Merit Scholar­ships (Mackpesquisa) 
Grant by IP@Leibniz, DAAD Programme for the internationalisation of doctoral studies
Co-Tutelle with the Faculty for Architecture and Urbanism, Mackenzie Presbyterian University São Paulo MPU
Supervisors: Angélica Aparecido Tanus Benatti Alvim, MPU
and Jörg Schröder, LUH
Dr. Emanuele Sommariva 
Urban Agriculture - Strategies for City Resilience
University of Genoa.
Supervisors: Mosè Ricci, Patrizia Falzone, University of Genoa
TUM und LUH Supervisors: Sophie Wolfrum, Jörg Schröder

Current doctoral dissertation projects

Riccarda Cappeller 
Cooperative Architecture: Design Paradigms for “Lived Space” as urban practice.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Listen Prima 
Sustainable Development Perspective of Vernacular Architecture and Villages in South Sumatera, Indonesia.
BUDI-LN Scholarship of Kemristikdikti-LPDP, Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Sheila Cristina Kajiwara Mizushima
Spaces in Transformation: The Role of Participation and Urban Design for Large Scale Development Projects in Megacity Central Contexts: The Luz Quarter in São Paulo.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Starting doctoral scholarship of the Graduate Academy, LUH
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Thiago Soares Barbizan
Planning the Rural Territory in the Context of São Paulo Metropolitan Region: New urban-rural interfaces in Alto Tietê.
Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Supervisor: Jörg Schröder
Alissa Diesch
Bogotás ländliches Erbe - Wandel der sechs eingemeindeten Dörfer Bogotás zu Teilen der Metropole im 20. Jahrhundert.
Technische Universität München
Supervisor: Sophie Wolfrum, TUM
Co-supervisor: Jörg Schröder
DAAD international grant for German doctoral students (one year)